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June 28, 2019

Chairman Thompson Introduces Legislation to Improve FEMA’s Advance Contracting Process

(WASHINGTON) – This week, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, introduced legislation to improve FEMA’s advance contracting process, based on recommendations from a recent audit by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). If passed, H.R. 3500, the Federal Advance Contracts Enhancement (FACE) Act, would require FEMA to ensure more effective use and management of its advance contracts for goods and services.

“Recent hurricanes like Irma and Maria have shown that the Federal government is not sufficiently prepared to handle the magnitude of intensifying natural disasters we now face. And that lack of preparedness only exacerbates the devastation these disasters inflict on our communities,” said Chairman Thompson. “Recent GAO reporting on FEMA’s advance contracting process has exposed systemic flaws – including a lack of local focus, an outdated strategy, and even muddled guidance on how to use advance contracts. By making these necessary fixes to FEMA’s advance contracting process, we’ll be able to tackle recovery for future disasters more effectively.”

Specifically, H.R. 3500, the Federal Advance Contracts Enhancement (FACE) Act, would require FEMA to: 

  • Update its advance contracting strategy
  • Issue new guidance to its contracting workforce on the use of advance contracts
  • Promote advance contracts to local and state governments
  • Improve the use of the agency’s program to track major acquisitions

H.R. 3500 Bill Text

H.R. 3500 Fact Sheet

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Press Contact

Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978